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Release 0.7.9-rc19 1-25-2024

End User Portal for Call Block Management


  • XML Phone Service - Users can see their call history, and block or permit callers, and manage their personal block list from the phone.

Policy Engine Updates


  • Add the devicename of the device that submitted the block.


  • Expiration in days was not showing up on the edit block page.
  • Cancel button on the edit block item page was not closing the window.
  • Call Policy Test page - fixed a bug where the test page would not load.
  • MS Teams rule alerts was not triggering.

CDR Updates


  • Limit Events to 100,000 records on the main page to prevent timeouts loading that page for customers with large CDR databases. Will add UI limits and date ranges on the next release.

Phone Dashboard and Remote Control


  • Some of you got an update that would not load the page - with an itl_reset error. That was fixed.


  • Add Event History scroll show success and failure for screenshots
  • Add Refresh Poller rate - you can change the refresh rate from 1 to 10 seconds based on phone and network conditions.
  • Extended max time to connect for screenshot from 3 seconds to 5 seconds. This fixes some customers with slow networks.



  • Trim UI libraries by 50% for faster loading.