Release 0.5.7 4-15-2022
New Apps
- PostgreSQL Lookup - Use App Data in Curri Modifier fields. You can now query a CRM or Database, and modify the caller's name from data returned from the webhook. Or query a 911 API for an ELIN, and assign the ELIN to the caller.
- Postgres SQL Lookup App - make your own query to inject your own dynamic Caller ID or modifications to the final call. Supports substitutions just like alert variables.
- Add CDP /Subnet from IP Phone Logging to policy events.
- Add logging for Apps success/failure to event history.
- Added helpful tips in the appliance login page and banner, and removed unnecessary path, all files are now under /home/calltelemetry.
- Fresh CentOS 8 stream with all the updates created.
- Code testing.
- K8s Stable-HA Helm Chart 0.6.2.
Bug Fixes
- Fix CDR Upload.